Sep 9, 2020
Mike Vaona has combined his vocation and his avocation. By day, he brings his hardware engineering skills to the team at Ooni ovens, making incredibly small and highly effective pizza ovens. By night, he is either baking his own bread or advising his squadron of Instagram followers.
In this episode, Mark and Mike discuss Mike's shift from Internet startups to pizza ovens, how the baking community on Instagram is thriving and how he is bringing back his great grandmother's way of cooking and eating. They also butcher most Italian words and some English too. :)
Helpful Links
@rosehillsourdough on Instagram
Rise Up! The Baker Podcast website
Mark's Blog, with the Bakernomics series
Produced and hosted by Mark Dyck
Theme song and music by Robyn Dyck
Orange Boot Human logo by Fred Reibin